Christine Malone gives lecture on critical thinking

Professor Christine Malone, Psychology, will give a lecture on critical thinking Tuesday, March 26 at 7 p.m. in Science Lab 118. The title of the lecture is “Can we Teach Critical Thinking? Cognitive Psychology’s Response.” The lecture is part of the College of Social and Natural Sciences lecture series. The lectures focus on current issues in the sciences. The lecture […]

Rinita Dalan publishes chapter

Rinita Dalan, Anthropology and Earth Science, has a chapter (Geophysical Exploration of Gardens, by Bruce Bevan and Rinita Dalan) in the recently published (2013) Sourcebook for Garden Archaeology, edited by Amina-Aicha Malek (2013, Peter Lang Publishers, Bern). This volume was published with the financial support of the Fondation des Parcs et Jardins de France.