College of Social and Natural Sciences lecture tonight

Professor Daniel McEwen, Biosciences, will give a lecture Tuesday, April 2 at 7 p.m. in Science Lab 118. The title of the lecture is “Food Webs, Science, and the Global Climate Change Controversy: Perspectives from an Arctic Biologist.” The lecture is part of the College of Social and Natural Sciences lecture series. The lectures focus on current issues in the […]

Dr. Lisa Stewart met with Early Childhood staff in West Fargo to discuss ways to improve early literacy

Dr. Stewart, MSUM School Psychology faculty member, met with West Fargo ECSE staff, school psychologists, speech language pathologists and other early childhood staff Friday, March 22. She shared her experiences in Early Childhood Response to Intervention with staff and facilitated discussion about intentional use of transitions, how use data to guide decisions about how to scaffold instruction and early literacy […]

Writing about socio-scientific issues

Meena Balgopal (formerly Biosciences Dept. and currently at Colorado State University) and Alison Wallace, Biosciences, have published a featured article “Writing about socio-scientific issues: a “write” way to improve decision-making skills” in the March issue of “The American Biology Teacher” journal of the National Association of Biology Teachers.

Paul Sando authors chapter

Dr. Paul Sando, Anthropology and Earth Science, has authored a chapter of the book; Beyond the Border: Tensions across the Forty-Ninth Parallel in the Great Plains and Prairies (Conway, Kyle, and Tim Pasch, Editors), now entering the final proof prior to printing at MacGill-Queen’s University Press in Canada. The chapter is titled; Water and Political Relations between the Upper Plains […]