Adjunct Professor authors national textbook

Richard N. Jeffries, an adjunct professor for the Personal Injury class in the Paralegal Department, has authored a revolutionary new textbook on torts and personal injury. The textbook, published by Pearson Publishing, became available nationwide this spring. The book goes far beyond the traditional approach of just teaching the black letter law of torts. The book includes practical hands on […]

Kevin Zepper presented at Pecha Kucha event

Kevin Zepper, MFA in the English Department, presented at the 17th Pecha Kucha (pronounced Pa-cha ku-cha) event April 18 in Bemidji. Zepper’s presentation followed the strict rules of Pecha Kucha: a 6:40 time limit, which is 20 seconds of “script” along with images projected every 20 seconds. The title of his distilled lecture was, “The Prose Poem: My Intuitive Journey.” […]

Matthew Craig gives lecture tonight

Professor Matthew Craig, Physics, will give a lecture Tuesday, April 23 at 7 p.m. in Science Lab 118. The title of the lecture is “The God Particle: The Significance of the Higgs-Boson Discovery.” The lecture is part of the College of Social and Natural Sciences lecture series. The lectures focus on current issues in the sciences. The lecture is free […]

Professor Returns from Drumming and Dance Study in Africa

Dr. Kenyon Williams, Professor of Percussion, spent three weeks of his sabbatical in Ghana where he studied drumming and dance with Ewe people of the Volta region of Ghana. During this time, he lived in the small rural village of Kopeiya at the Dagbe Art and Culture Center which was created by a family of master drummers from the area […]