Druffel, Williams to present at Minn Music Educators Winter Conference This Week

Dr. Benjamin Druffel and Dr. Kenyon Williams from the MSUM School of Performing Arts will present sessions this weekend at the Minnesota Music Educator’s Winter Conference. MMEA is the largest annual gathering of music educators in the state of Minnesota.  Presentations will include: Thursday, 1 p.m.: “Respect The Rhythms: Teaching Basic World Percussion in Band and Choir” (Dr. Kenyon Williams) […]

Immune Literacy – challenges and recommendations with Dr. Sumali Pandey

Immune literacy—the ability to hear, learn, read, write, explain, and discuss immunological content with varied audiences—has become critically important in recent years. Yet, with its complex terminology and discipline-specific concepts, educating individuals about the immune system and its role in health and disease may seem daunting. Here, Dr. Pandey collaborated with faculty across the U.S. and abroad, to reflect on […]

School of Art Professor Anna Sigridur Arnar organizes panel on Artists in Conflict Zones for New York conference

On February 17, 2023 Anna Sigrídur Arnar, School of Art, will be convening an academic panel at the annual College Art Association in New York. As a member of the International Committee of the organization, she and co-chair Dr. Tenley Bick of Florida State University will convene the panel titled “Aesthetics of Resistance: Artists Respond to Armed Conflict at Home” […]