D2L Brightspace downtime 4 to 8 a.m. Nov. 17

On Tuesday, November 17th, there will be a D2L Brightspace downtime from 4 to 8 a.m. D2L Brightspace will be unavailable to users during this time period. If the update can be completed earlier, the D2L Brightspace environment will be made available to users before 8 a.m. The update status will be posted on the MnSCU D2L Brightspace Status Page.

Accessing Higher Ground Pre-Conference Labs

November 16 and 17 mark the beginning of the Accessing Higher Ground Virtual Conference with two days of pre-conference labs covering topics on ways to make your digital content accessible for all users. On Monday, November 16th, Gaeir Dietrich from the High Tech Center Training Unit of the California Community Colleges, will present a lab on Working with Inaccessible PDFs. […]

Accessing Higher Ground virtual conference Nov. 16-20

Accessibility. Universal Design for Learning. ADA & Section 508. Design for All. You may have heard those terms used in relation to making course materials and digital content accessible for all. Recent litigation has focused the need to address accessibility issues at higher education institutions. How can we address making MSUM’s use of technology accessible for use by students, prospective […]