Course Shell Requests for Spring 2012

MSUM faculty using D2L or Moodle Please follow the steps below to request your D2L or Moodle courses for the Spring 2012 Semester. Remember that ALL faculty need to follow the steps below if they plan to use Desire2Learn or Moodle for their Spring 2012 courses. Please remember to allow UP TO 5 business DAYS for your  course to be […]

Design of Online Instruction workshop Oct. 11

Participants in this workshop will review standards for quality online  courses and a framework for organizing an online unit. The workshop  covers how to design an online unit from the ground up including  creating effective learning objectives, recording a short video  lecture, designing online learning activities, and creating online  assessment tasks. The end product will be an online unit of […]

Rhonda Ficek attends IT conference

Rhonda Ficek, Instructional Technology Services, attended the Instructional Technology Council’s Leadership Academy “Distance Education Leadership in a Time of Change” in Colorado Springs, Colo., July 24-26.  The academy focused  on providing leadership in a changing eLearning environment.