Dr. Peterson presents for NISOD Webinar Series

Dr. Aaron Peterson (Department of Leadership and Learning) presented with colleague Dr. Jason Kaufman (Minnesota State University, Mankato) for the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) 2021 Webinar Series.  NISOD originates from the University of Texas at Austin, and it is committed to promoting and celebrating excellence in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges. Drs. […]

Results from the 2018-19 Graduate Follow-Up Survey have been published!

Each year, the Minnesota Legislature requires each public university to collect information on the employment and continuing education status of graduates. The team in the Career Development Center dedicated significant time and talent to contacting recent graduates and have successfully reported on over 85% of graduates from the 2018-19 academic year. 2018-19 Graduate Follow-Up Survey Results Please direct questions to […]

Dolence, Rundquist have podcasting article published

Travis Dolence and Nayt Rundquist (New Rivers Press) have had an innovation grant-related article published in Academic & Student Affairs at Minnesota State (ASA) Newsletter. “Attack of the Pod People – Establishing and Maintaining a Student-Created Podcast” discusses the opportunities and challenges of establishing and maintaining a student podcast.

MSUM initiatives receive Minnesota State grants for innovation

Two projects initiated by Minnesota State University Moorhead teams received nearly $30,000 in grant funding from the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System. The grants support the development of innovative ideas in higher education. “At MSUM we champion a culture of creativity and problem-solving,” says Vice President of Academic Affairs Arrick Jackson. “It speaks highly of our efforts to have the ideas of our faculty and staff recognized […]