Dragon PRIDE Recognition – Nominate awesome coworkers!

MSUM faculty and staff often go out of their way to support each other. By showing Grit, Heart and Humility, we make this a place where both students and staff want to work, live and learn. And we’re sharing about it by recognizing each other with Dragon Pride! We are a Dragon Family.So follow MSUMHR on Twitter to meet new and celebrate exceptional […]

News server upgrade Tuesday, August 2

The morning of Tuesday, August 2, 2022 the News website will be down 9:30-11:30 am. You will not be able to submit any news at that time. The news email will still go out on Tuesday if there are new posts. If you have any questions, please contact support@mnstate.edu.

Marketing Office door to lock at 3:30 p.m.

Beginning Monday, June 13, the Marketing and Communications Office (Grier Hall) will be locked at 3:30 p.m. daily. Please pick up your print projects before the office closes. If you have an appointment with a marketing team member after 3:30 p.m., please call them ahead of time so they can let you in.

MSUM Print Services Unavailable May 14-30

The MSUM Print Shop will be closed May 14-30. This means that any on campus and off campus (small and large format) printing services will be unavailable during this time. Carol Hall will return (and the Print Shop will reopen) Tuesday, May 31. This week – May 9-13 – we will prioritize Commencement needs and requests already in our queue. Thank you for […]