Nepal Night 2014 set for Oct. 25

Nepal Night 2014 is being organized on 25th of October, this Saturday from 5 PM- 9:30 PM. The cultural event takes you on a journey to Nepal. This year’s theme is “Chinari” translated “Identity” in English. So brace yourselves to learn what identifies and makes Nepal stand out as a country among others. The entrance is free, and the event […]

International Dress Day Oct. 1

International Dress Day | Wednesday, October 1 Wear clothing, head-wear and accessories from your favorite cultural destination in the world. Take pictures and tweet or facebook the photos for others to see. Please use #MSUMInternationalDressDay and @MSUMintnational for tweeting and IntlDragon when tagging on Facebook

Interested in hosting an International Student?

Our Friendship Family Program is an opportunity for MSUM international students to be paired up with upstanding volunteers from the Fargo-Moorhead Community, who would be willing to help them experience a true Midwestern American way of life. Many of our students come from countries where the opportunities are limited and we want them to be able to experience all that […]

Practice your English with the English Language Tutor Program

International Student Services wants to let you know about our English Language Tutor Program. This is a program that helps connect incoming international students who are wanting to practice their English Language skills with MSUM students who are willing to help. This is purely a talking tutor program that helps international students with phrase, dialectic and American slang. We ask […]