Visit with students from China and Japan today in CMU

The International Student Services Center wants to share its students with you. On Tuesday, Sept. 15 come visit our students from China and Japan in the CMU lounge as they host tables showing off their home countries. Student tables will be from 12:00-2:30 in front of the CMU Lounge and will include a variety of presentations from slide shows, country […]

Free Cosmic Bowling this Thursday with student I.D.

Join us on Thursday March 5th from 9:30 P.M.-12:00 A.M. for Cosmic Bowling at Sunset Lanes! This event is free with your student I.D. Transportation is provided and will be leaving from Nemzek at 8:30. This event is sponsored by MSUM Intramurals, First Year Programs, International Services, Living and Learning Communities, Wellness Center, Housing and Residential Life, & The Bookstore

Celebration of Nations is April 11

2014-2015 is yet another great year for our International Student Services. We have 426 international students from 63 countries and 50 international students on post-completion work authorization. Our top countries are Nepal, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, Japan, Ethiopia and China. We are hoping to make 2015 Celebration of Nations bigger and better than the last year.