New Hire

MSUM New Hire Please join us in welcoming the following new employee to Minnesota State University Moorhead! Make sure to say hello and let them Morgan It’s a GREAT day to be a Dragon!! Start Date:  2/13/2023 Morgan Carey – General Maintenance Worker Housing and Residential Life

New Hire

MSUM New Hire Please join us in welcoming the following new employee to Minnesota State University Moorhead!  Make sure to say hello and let Taylor know It’s a GREAT day to be a Dragon!! 2/6/2023 Taylor James- Assistant Football Coach Athletics

Caring for an Elderly Relative? Help is Here.

Caring for an Elderly Relative? Help Is Here. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” As we, our parents, and other loved ones move forward in life, new needs emerge — physical, legal, and financial. Whether you are planning for your later years or caring for an elderly […]

Free Counseling for Employees, Family

We all need a little help to work through life’s challenges sometimes. Whether you’re figuring out how best to guide your teen, support elderly parents, or deal with yet more change at work, LifeMatters counselors are here to help. Sessions are free for you and others in your household. To set up a confidential appointment, call 800.657.03719 or text “Hello” […]

Youth Mental Health Webinar

Calling parents, guardians, grandparents, and every other employee who wants to better support the mental health of kids and teens to a webinar with Shonda M. Craft, Ph.D., LMFT, from noon to 1 p.m., Feb. 1. Dr. Craft will be sharing her expertise and experience on youth and social connection. Belonging and social connectedness is essential for well-being. Dr. Craft […]