Insurance meetings scheduled

Human Resources Staff will be holding informational insurance open enrollment meetings on the following dates: Tuesday, November 3 at 2:00 pm in OW 207; Wednesday, November 4 at 7:00 am in MA 268; Friday, November 6 at 10:00 am in CMU 214; Monday, November 9 at 3:00 pm in LI 103 (Library Auditorium); Thursday, November 12 at Noon in CMU 214. Click headline to read more.

MSUM’s Combined Charities Campaign ends soon!

The annual Minnesota State Employee’s Combined Charities Campaign runs through Saturday, October 31. If you have misplaced or have not yet received an information packet and pledge form, please contact Deb Lewis (2158) in Human Resources. MSUM’s goal is $63,000. To date, MSUM employee pledges total $29,958.00- 47.5% of this year’s goal! This year’s motto is: STATE EMPLOYEES CARING FOR MINNESOTA…YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Click the headline to read more.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT….. Make your pledge today!

MSUM’s 2009 Combined Charities Campaign is in the final stages. The goal this year is $63,000, and to date MSUM employees have contributed $20.674.00. Please consider renewing your past pledge or beginning to donate $1.00 (or more) per pay period. The needs of our community are growing, not declining. We can show Clay and Cass counties that MSUM employees are committed to making our community an inviting and compassionate place to live and work. You can tailor your giving to those community organizations that best reflect your values and priorities. Click the headline to read more.

Insurance Open Enrollment is Nov. 4-17

Members of the State’s Benefits Division and Insurance Representatives will be on campus to present open enrollment information on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 from 9-11 a.m. in the CMU Ballroom. The Insurance representatives will have tables set up and be available for questions….don’t miss this opportunity to talk with the experts. Click the headline to read more.