LAST CHANCE TO DONATE – Campaign ends in 2 days!

NOW MORE THAN EVER….people in the community are in need of your generous support! Your donation(s) are needed to ensure funding cuts will not be made to programs needed by those less fortunate individuals who truly depend on these services for daily survival. Now is the time to reconsider making your pledge to this year’s campaign. The 2009 MSUM Combined Charities Campaign officially ends on Friday, November 20th at 4:30 p.m. To date, MSUM employees have donated $55,107.64 – which is approximately 87.5% of this year’s $63,000 goal. (Last year, employees donated $61,319.96.)
In order to have your pledge included in this year’s campaign total for MSUM, all donations must be submitted to Human Resources no later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, November 20th. Click headline to read more.

MSUM vacancy notice

A Minnesota State University Moorhead Vacancy Notice was recently posted to our web site ( NOTE: To reduce the expense of printing costs, MSU Moorhead vacancy links will be emailed to you.

$11,113 to go!

It takes only a few pennies each hour of work for Minnesota’s state employees to make a big difference in the lives of thousand of individuals. Support MSUM’s Combined Charities Campaign and help make 2009 a year to remember! The State of Minnesota set out to raise $1 million through the State Employee’s Combined Charities Campaign this year, and to date 2,675 state employees have donated $875,000.00 this year. If you have not yet pledged to this campaign, please consider doing so. No amount is too small. Even a pledge of $1.00 per paycheck can make a difference! Click headline to read more.