Renaissance tickets still available

This is the last weekend of the 2010 Minnesota Renaissance Festival. The Human Resources Office still has employee discounted tickets available —  Adult tickets are $15.95 (Reg. $20.95) and Children tickets (age 5-12) are $8.50 (Reg. $11.95).  Children Age 4 & under are free. The festival runs weekends and Labor Day from August 21, 2010 to October 3, 2010. Hours […]

MnSCU, MSUM employment opportunities

You will find this week’s updated listing of current Minnesota State Colleges and Universities’ employment postings at An MSUM Vacancy Notice was recently posted to our web site ( Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

State Employee Flu Shot Clinic: Wednesday, Oct. 6

Mark your calendars! Our workplace seasonal influenza vaccination clinic is in approximately 2 weeks. Make sure to get a seasonal flu vaccine this year. The flu is a contagious respiratory illness that can keep you in bed for several days. Seasonal influenza vaccination is easy and getting vaccinated can help protect you, your family and co-workers from flu-related illness. Seasonal […]