Simio Awards $79,200 Grant to School of Business

Simulation Software Licenses Awarded to Support Teaching and Research in Simulation Simio, a developer of 3D object-oriented simulation software, has awarded software licenses valued at $79,200 to the School of Business, which offers several courses where cutting edge simulation technology can be integrated. MSUM’s School of Business provides is a leading business program in the region and is one of […]

MSUM receives $7500 Dakota Medical Foundation grant

MSU Moorhead has received a $7,500 grant from the Dakota Medical Foundation to support scholarships for registered nurses to pursue their bachelor of science in nursing (BSN). The scholarships will help experienced nurses to obtain a BSN, which prepares nurses to respond to increasingly complex health care needs and to function more independently in multiple healthcare settings. Click headline for full story.

Chris Chastain receives $75,000 grant

Chris Chastain, Biosciences, has been awarded a one-year $75,000 research grant from the National Science Foundation. Chastain will use the funds to develop maize plants deficient in photosynthetic enzymes using advanced genetic engineering methods. The plants generated from this work will be used to elucidate molecular mechanisms that regulate C4 photosynthesis. The later stages of the project involves a collaboration with the CSIRO High Resolution Plant Phenomics Center in Canberra, Australia, where the plants will be studied to better understand the process of C4 photosynthesis in maize.

TCU announces collaborative grant funds for faculty, staff & students

In an effort to promote new collaborative initiatives, Tri-College University announces the availability of one-time start-up grant funds for faculty, staff and students. TCU has found that through sharing resources, a greater number of people can be positively impacted and efficiencies readily obtained. This TCU program is intended to develop collaborative relationships between people in our campus community who share a common interest and vision. Click headline for details.

Writing a Better Grant Application Webinar

Writing a Better Grant Application Webinar will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, February 12. You may register to watch this webinar on your computer by e-mailing “Writing a Better Grant Application” is a new webinar being offered by the Minnesota Historical and Cultural Grants staff. Learn to write strong project descriptions, establish compelling need and rationale, craft meaningful measurable outcomes, and articulate enduring value and sustainability in order to increase your project’s competitiveness. The presentation is about an hour long, followed by time to ask general questions or questions about your project. Click headline for details.