Co-Teaching in the College Classroom on Wednesday, October 22

This session on Wednesday, October 22 at 10:15 am and 2:00 pm in the Faculty Development Center will focus on using co-teaching in various contexts on MSUM’s campus. Participants will be invited to share their interests or experiences using co-teaching strategies in their own work. This session may be of interest to faculty working with Learning or Lab Assistants, Dragon […]

Counseling and Student Affairs graduate students attend NACADA convention

The National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) held their national convention October 8th – 11th in Minneapolis, MN. Over 3,000 academic advisors from across the country and globe visited the Minneapolis Convention Center to discuss recent research, program models, advisor hot topics, and techniques in academic advising. Counseling and Student Affairs graduate students who attended included: Garrett Anderson, Kayla Armstrong, Heidi […]