Katy Johnson joins the Office of Graduate & Extended Learning

Katy Johnson, MS in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Higher Education, has accepted and started the position of Student Support Specialist in the Office of Graduate & Extended Learning. Katy has over 17 years of experience working within Higher Education, including teaching, advising, recruitment and retention. Please join us in welcoming Katy back to the MSUM campus community.

Graduate student commencement information

Graduate Students — Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! Spring 2019 Degree Completion DeadlinesLast day to submit Form 3 to Graduate Studies Office: April 5, 2019Last day to submit Form 4 to Graduate Studies Office: May 15, 2019Commencement: May 17, 2019 Important information for you to know: 1. Have you notified the Graduate Studies Office that you are commencing by submitting Form 3 […]

School Psychology students, faculty attend national conference

Nine School Psychology program graduate students, along with Dr. Mary Dosch and Dr. Peg Potter attended the National Association of School Psychologists annual conference in Atlanta. Second year student Ashley Doll did a verbal presentation based on her master’s thesis which looked at the use of eye-tracking technology as a possible early assessment procedure for identifying autism in preschool children. […]