Paying for College 101

Thursday, April 30 | 12 to 1 p.m. | Meeting ID: 956 6188 6466 Do you know all of your options when it comes to paying for college? Join the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarship and the Career Development Center for a session on the ins and outs of work-study, loans & scholarships, and other practical ways to […]

MSUM student Kelsey Leach selected as Goldwater Scholar

The Goldwater Scholarship Foundation is pleased to announce that 396 new scholarships are being awarded for the 2020 competition. The Goldwater reviewers faced the difficult task of selecting scholarship recipients from a pool of 1,343 outstanding undergraduates nominated by 461 institutions, and this year MSUM’s own Kelsey Leach was selected as a scholar. Congratulations, Kelsey! Kelsey is a double major […]

Donate silent auction items for MSUM Scholarship Gala

Are you an artisan that makes jewelry? Do you have a special talent or skill with crafts, painting, or woodworking? Maybe you host Tastefully Simple parties on the side. Do you have a wine cellar? Would you like to make a difference in the lives of MSUM students? The MSUM Foundation is looking for creative, unique and desirable items for the silent […]

You’re invited to the 12th Annual MSUM Scholarship Gala

As faculty and staff members, you work closely with students every day. You cultivate confidence and help them in innumerable ways as they grow from freshmen to seniors. Your influence in their lives has made an impact. To make an even bigger difference in the lives of students, enjoy hors d’oeuvres, entertainment and delicious food at the 12th Annual MSUM […]