Reminder: Weld Hall groundbreaking Oct. 30
Monday, October 30 | 2 p.m. | Campus Mall in front of Weld Hall Join in the excitement as we break ground on the Weld Hall renovation! Read more here.
Monday, October 30 | 2 p.m. | Campus Mall in front of Weld Hall Join in the excitement as we break ground on the Weld Hall renovation! Read more here.
The System Office has updated the status of the EMS, which is the room and vehicle scheduling software, upgrade. They say it is going slower than expected and it will be down until Saturday, October 28 at 12 pm (noon). Scheduling is still DOWN. You can check the status of the EMS system on the Minnesota State Service Status webpage […]
Monday, October 30 | 2 p.m. | Campus Mall in front of Weld Hall MSUM is experiencing a significant milestone in the university’s history with the renovation of Weld Hall, the oldest and most iconic campus building. The project has been years in the making, receiving $628,000 in 2018 for the initial project design. This year’s Minnesota capital bonding bill […]
The System Office will be upgrading EMS, which is the room and vehicle scheduling software Friday, October 27 from 7:00 – 9:00 am. Scheduling will be DOWN during this time. If you have any questions please contact Scheduling Services.
The web team recently launched a new facilities management webpage. The comprehensive facilities plan and the executive summary are on these pages. The facilities management webpage is also linked on the following pages: