The Year of Magical Thinking April 22

The English Department, McGrath Visiting Writers Series and the Film Studies Department announce a special performance of Joan Didion’s play —adapted from her memoir— The Year of Magical Thinking, presented by Theatre B and featuring Mary Cochran, on Thursday, April 22 from 4:30-6 p.m. in Weld Hall Glasrud Auditorium. Click headline for more information.

Anti-Feminism topic of March 31 talk

“Women Against Women: the Origins of Anti-Feminism” is the topic of a brown bag presentation Wednesday, March 31 talk at 11:30 a.m. in CMU 205. History Professor Paul Harris and MLA graduate student Travis Barrows, will lead the discussion. Men may have led opposition to the women’s suffrage movement, but once the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified, giving women the right to vote, it became clear that many women were also opposed to feminism. The anti-feminist movement among women in the 1920s raises questions of continuing relevance (think Sarah Palin). Click headline to read more.

Transracial adoption topic of McGrath Writer’s Series

Jane Jeong Trenka, a writer and activist whose controversial views on transnational and transracial adoption challenge the Korean government’s adoption policies, will kickoff the spring semester Tom McGrath Visiting Writers Series. She will talk on the writer’s craft at 4 p.m. and read from her work at 8 p.m. Monday, Feb. 15 in Comstock Memorial Union 101. For more info:

English profs to present at Minnesota teachers conference

Elizabeth Kirchoff, English, and Michael Tomanek, English, have had papers accepted for presentation at this spring’s meeting of the Minnesota Council of Teachers of English. Both papers will address teaching college composition. Kirchoff will present “Literature Circles in College Composition Classes” and Tomanek will present “In the Spirit of Twain.”