The Year of Magical Thinking April 22

The English Department, McGrath Visiting Writers Series and the Film Studies Department announce a special performance of Joan Didion’s play—adapted from her memoir—The Year of Magical Thinking, presented by Theatre B and featuring Mary Cochran, Thursday, April 22 from 4:30-6 p.m. in Weld Hall Auditorium. It’s free and open to all students, faculty and staff. Click headline for details.

Jill Frederick presented at annual Easter conference

Jill Frederick, English, gave a presentation, “Ships and the Sea in the Exeter Book Riddles,” at the annual Easter conference held by the University of Manchester (England)’s Center for Anglo-Saxon Studies. This year’s theme, “The Anglo-Saxons and their World,” was attended by scholars from the United Kingdom, Europe and the U.S.

Author Rachel Coyne at MSUM Tuesday

Rachel Coyne, author of the novel Whiskey Heart (New Rivers Press, 2009), will read from her work at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 30 as a feature of MSUM’s Tom McGrath Visiting Writers Series. She’ll also give a talk on the writers’ craft at 4 p.m. that day. Both events will be held in Comstock Memorial Union 101. Click headline for more on Rachel Coyne and for links to an interview and a review of Whiskey Heart.

The Year of Magical Thinking April 22

The English Department, McGrath Visiting Writers Series and the Film Studies Department announce a special performance of Joan Didion’s play —adapted from her memoir— The Year of Magical Thinking, presented by Theatre B and featuring Mary Cochran, on Thursday, April 22 from 4:30-6 p.m. in Weld Hall Glasrud Auditorium. Click headline for more information.