Farewell party for Hazel Retzlaff today
Please help us say farewell to the inimitable and irreplaceable Hazel Retzlaff at her retirement party : Usher’s House : 701 1st Ave N. in Moorhead in the hunt club (downstairs).
Please help us say farewell to the inimitable and irreplaceable Hazel Retzlaff at her retirement party : Usher’s House : 701 1st Ave N. in Moorhead in the hunt club (downstairs).
The university community is cordially invited to hear fall semester MFA graduates Kari Brady (Creative Nonfiction) and Hayley Burdett (Fiction & Certificate in Publishing) read from their work on Wednesday, December 19, from 7:00-9:00 p.m., at The Spirit Room, 111 Broadway, in Fargo. A reception will follow the readings. The event is free and open to the public.
The Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society will be participating in a bookfair at Barnes & Noble on Friday, Dec. 7 from 3-9 p.m. They will receive 10-15 percent of all store sales during that period (depending on the volume) as well as a 10-15 percent of all online sales between Dec. 7 and Dec. 12. The schedule of the […]
Ron Frannea, an adjunct faculty member teaching in the English Department, had his poem broadcast on the program, The Beat, on KAXE Radio (Brainerd and Grand Rapids). Frannea submitted the reading of his poem, “At First Glance, It’s Always the Same One Who Drives Karman Ghias”, which was first published by Red Weather (1992) and reprinted in anthology form by […]
Sigma Tau Delta is hosting a Native American literature reading on Nov. 15 at 7:00 p.m. in CMU 227. Native-American-Reading