Women’s History Month Facts
Katherine Hepburn, through her acting, helped redefine traditional views of women’s roles in society. Eva Peron campaigned tirelessly for both the poor and for the extension of women’s rights.
Katherine Hepburn, through her acting, helped redefine traditional views of women’s roles in society. Eva Peron campaigned tirelessly for both the poor and for the extension of women’s rights.
Marie Curie is credited for the discovery of two new elements, polonium and radium.
Coco Chanel was one of the most innovative fashion designers. She took traditionally male clothes and redesigned them for the benefit of women.
Helen Keller campaigned tirelessly on behalf of deaf and blind people. Indira Gandhi was the first female prime minister of India.
Elizabeth Blackwell was the first women to receive a medical degree in America and the first women to be on the UK medical register. Susan B. Anthony helped lay the ground work for later laws which gave women the right to vote.