Boyd Bradbury Appointed to MREA Board of Directors

Dr. Boyd Bradbury, Department of Leadership and Learning, has been appointed to the Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA) Board of Directors for a four-year term. MREA is the only advocate exclusively for Greater Minnesota education. Under the leadership of school board members, administrators, teachers, and community members, MREA focuses on what puts learners first to bring about our best possible […]

Peterson publishes in Innovation Abstracts

Dr. Aaron Peterson (Dept. of Leadership and Learning) recently was published in Innovation Abstracts.  This source, through the University of Texas at Austin, puts a focus on community and technical colleges across our nation.  Articles look at best practices of faculty, student success and two-year institutions’ impact within the landscape of higher education. Dr. Peterson led a team in conducting a study […]

Dr. Peterson presents for NISOD Webinar Series

Dr. Aaron Peterson (Department of Leadership and Learning) presented with colleague Dr. Jason Kaufman (Minnesota State University, Mankato) for the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) 2021 Webinar Series.  NISOD originates from the University of Texas at Austin, and it is committed to promoting and celebrating excellence in teaching, learning, and leadership at community and technical colleges. Drs. […]

Sillerud, Winkler publish paper in The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning

Dr. Brandi Sillerud, Associate Professor/MHA Program Coordinator and Heather Winkler, MHA, Doctoral Educational leadership student recently published a paper in The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning. The title of the paper: Assessing Healthcare Leader Competency Proficiency Levels in Evaluation Graduate Healthcare Leadership Student Competency Proficiency Levels and Curriculum. This exploratory research aims to utilize industry data when evaluating […]

Dr. Bradbury publishes peer-reviewed book

The peer-reviewed book, The Nexus of Teaching and Demographics: Context and Connections from Colonial Times to Today, by Boyd L. Bradbury, Department of Leadership and Learning, was released last week by Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Books). The Nexus of Teaching and Demographics: Context and Connections from Colonial Times to Today provides an overview of the evolution of education in the […]