Reduced prices on OTCs

Faculty and Staff: Did you know that Hendrix Pharmacy has many over-the-counter medications at reduced cost? Examples: Ibuprofen 100 count bottle $3; generic Claritin $3 for 30; generic Sudafed $2.50/ Box of 30; Tylenol Cold $4.50/ box 30. Come see us at Hendrix Health Center!

Print off your H1N1 flu poster

Please help educate our campus community on flu prevention by printing off copies of posters found at the bottom of Hendrix Health Center’s H1N1 Virus and Pandemic Response Plan website found at the following link: .

Hendrix Health Center

As of July 1, 2009 Hendrix Health Center and Pharmacy will no longer be able to process claims using Benny Cards (flexible spending account), due to changes in IRS requirements. You will need to pay for items and submit claims manually to Eide Bailey. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Flu Preparedness Info from MN Management & Budget

Many of you are aware that human cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection have been identified in the United States and internationally. At the present time, there have been NO swine influenza cases confirmed in Minnesota. (April 30, 2009 update: Carol Grimm, MSUM Health and Wellness Director, said that a case of swine flu was confirmed in Minnesota this morning.)