Coquyt earns QM Certification for course design

Dr. Michael Coquyt, School of Teaching & Learning, recently earned Quality Matters Certification for his online course: ED 705 Qualitative Methods in Academic Research. This is Dr. Coquyt’s fourth course to earn QM Certification. QM reviews are a rigorous peer review process, recognized at both the state and national levels. Congratulations to Dr. Coquyt on his achievement!  For more information about QM, visit QM at MSUM.  Quality Matters (QM) is the global organization leading […]

Bradbury earns QM Certification for course design

Dr. Boyd Bradbury, School of Teaching & Learning, recently earned Quality Matters Certification for his online course: ED 740 Fiscal Management for Educational Growth and Change. This is Dr. Bradbury’s ninth course to earn QM Certification. QM reviews are a rigorous peer review process, recognized at both the state and national levels. Congratulations to Dr. Bradbury on his achievement! For more information about QM, visit QM at MSUM. Quality Matters (QM) is the […]

Resume review event

An employer perspective for social work, sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology or any human services major Thursday, April 18 | Career Development Center (Flora Frick 151) FirstLink will be at MSUM in the Career Development Center (Flora Frick 151) on Thursday, April 18 to do 20-30 minute resume reviews for students in social work, sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology or any human […]

DeSutter receives two grants totaling $30,000

Keri DeSutter, School of Teaching and Learning, has received two grants from the Network for Excellence in Teaching (NExT). The first grant totaling $20,000 is focused upon beginning teacher effectiveness and the second grant totaling $10,000 is titled “Improving MSUM’s data use practices through disaggregation and enhanced data analysis strategies.” Both grants will support MSUM in meeting rigorous state and national […]

Dr. Reina Park recognized for outstanding manuscript of the year

The International Journal of the Whole Child recognized Dr. Reina Park and her co-authors, Drs. James Hoot and Hyejin Shin, by naming one of their articles as the outstanding manuscript of the year. The title of the article is, “Are Korean Early Childhood Teachers Becoming More Responsive to Multicultural Children? An Analysis of Diversity Self-Efficacy Data from the Korean Institute […]