Drs. LaLonde, Sadikovic, Coquyt present at OLC Innovate 2020 Virtual Conference

Dr. Courtney LaLonde, Dr. Belma Sadikovic, and Dr. Mike Coquyt (Department of Leadership and Learning) gave their presentation, Inquiring Minds Want to Know: The Value of Adding Optional Synchronous Elements into Online Asynchronous Courses on Monday, June 22. The session focused on the value of including optional synchronous elements in asynchronous classes. In traditional classroom settings, building relationships with students […]

Ed Leadership faculty survey is published on MREA website

Educational Leadership faculty Drs. Julie Swaggert, Ximena Suarez-Sousa, Boyd Bradbury, Mike Coquyt and Chris Mills submitted a survey to more than 1,000 Minnesota teachers in early April to assess a variety of areas related to moving to distance learning because of COVID-19. They answered questions about work-life balance, district support, concerns for students and families, and learning achievement. Their work […]

DeSutter presents invited talk to CEEDAR Center group

Keri DeSutter, School of Teaching and Learning, presented an invited talk on teacher candidate learning and practice opportunities related to the high-leverage practice of positive and constructive feedback on Tuesday, May 5. The talk, presented to CEEDAR’s High-Leverage Practice Topical Action Group, highlighted revisions to MSUM’s Elementary Inclusive Education degree that provide candidates numerous learning, practice, and demonstration opportunities related […]

MSUM students behind the scenes: Admissions

The Admissions Office is taking going virtual to a whole new level! While classes have gone virtual, so have tours and other admission events. We asked Dragon Ambassadors and elementary inclusive education students Sara Danielson and Van Fritch-Gallatin how they have transitioned to online services. Q: What is Admissions doing now that school has gone virtual? A (Danielson): Dragon Ambassadors […]