MSUM Sports Communication Conference Oct. 12

Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) presents its second Sports Communication Conference on Wednesday, October 12, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Comstock Memorial Union and Nemzek Fieldhouse on campus. The conference, open to all area high school and college students, explores the fastest growing careers in sports. Students will meet and network with top sports communication professionals and learn what […]

GIVV Up, Help Others

Startup Weekend team develops tool for nonprofits By Danielle Rebel What would you be willing to give up in order to help others? That’s the question the winning team at Fargo’s Startup Weekend asked and answered. In just a few short days, the team turned a question into a functioning, reliable nonprofit fundraising platform: GIVV App. 

Alumni Win National Edward R. Murrow Awards

MSUM alumni Shari Gross ’95 (English and mass communications) and Kevin Wallevand ’84 (mass communications) — current adjunct faculty member — were honored with national 2016 Edward R. Murrow Awards for their work in electronic journalism. The awards are given by the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA). 

Alumnae Provide Answers

Women’s Startup Weekend winners answer life’s tough questions By Danielle Rebel We’ve all had those “oh, crap” moments, wondering how in the world we’re going to get something done. Whether it’s a flat tire when you’re late for a meeting, or an unexpected visit from your mother-in-law, the winning team from Women’s Startup Weekend in Fargo has you covered.