MSUM Orchestra in concert April 30

Sunday, April 30 | 4 p.m. | Weld Hall Glasrud Auditorium The Minnesota State University Moorhead Orchestra will present an “East Side Meets West Side” concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 30 in Weld Hall Glasrud Auditorium. The Orchestra will perform a variety of works by Bernstein, Capuzzi Rutter, Schroeder. Tickets are available at or purchase at the door.

Art history majors present their senior thesis April 25

Tuesday, April 25 |  5 p.m. | Zoom Meeting ID: 989 2632 3328 Passcode: Art.  MSUM art history majors Alexandrea Schmidt and Leilani Schuppan will present their senior art history thesis at 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 25 via Zoom at Meeting ID: 989 2632 3328 Passcode: Art.  Art history majors are required to present a public lecture based on their research. Leilani Schuppan’s thesis is called […]

MSUM’s nationally accredited Kodály Institute provides training to music educators

Two-week cohort begins June 12 MSUM’s Kodály Institute, which is nationally accredited by the Organization of American Kodály Educators (OAKE), is an opportunity for music educators to receive a highly sought-after graduate certification. One of only 25 OAKE-endorsed programs in the country, this summer’s cohort begins June 12 and runs two weeks. MSUM’s affordable program is one of the few […]