PRSSA is looking for an Art Director and a Copywriter

PRSSA has two open positions, Art Director and Copy Writer, on their Executive Board. ART DIRECTOR Requirements -Must be able to attend meetings on Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. in the mass comm lounge in MacLean Hall, office 262-Forum Media Center -Graphic Design or GCOM major at junior or senior level preferred -If not a Graphic Design/GCOM student […]

MSUM Choir and Percussion Ensemble Invited to Perform at prestigious music festival

The MSUM Concert Choir, directed by Dr. Dan Mahraun, and the MSUM Percussion Ensemble, directed by Dr. Kenyon Williams, have recently been invited to present a joint concert performance of works for choir and percussion at the North Dakota Music Educator’s Association (NDMEA) Winter Conference in Bismarck, N.D. in March as a featured evening performance concert event. Each year, a […]

Dalhouses publish chapter

Doris Walker-Dalhouse, Professor Emerita, STL and A. Derick Dalhouse, Psychology, have a chapter published in Immigration in the 21st Century: Political, Social, and Economic Issues, edited by Judy Ho and Published by Nova Publishers, N.Y. The title of the chapter is Preservice Teachers Culturally Relevant Beliefs: The Impact of a Clinical Experience Tutoring Sudanese Students.