MSUM Percussion Ensemble to perform in Duluth

The MSUM Percussion Ensemble, directed by Dr. Kenyon Williams, will travel this weekend to Duluth, Minn., to perform John Luther Adams’ epic outdoor work “Inuksuit” at the Congdon Estate along the shores of Lake Superior on Saturday at noon. There, they will be joined by over 60 percussionists from across greater Minnesota as they present a mass performance of the […]

Essay by Rebecca Gardner recently published

An essay titled “Survivance as Resistance to Authoritative Discourse,” by Rebecca Gardner, Communication Studies, was included in the book “Feminist Challenges or Feminist Rhetorics? Locations, Scholarship, Discourse,” recently published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

The medical turning points of the Civil War

Jacob Clauson to present at Student Academic Conference By Meghan Feir The Civil War was a turning point in various ways, and, as senior Jacob Clauson will explain in his presentation for the Student Academic Conference on April 15, it was also a time of greater exploration with medical practices. Before doctors were concerned about bacteria and sterilization, soldiers across […]

‘Photos by Regene Radniecki’ exhibit opens today

The MSUM College of Communications and Journalism welcomes the community to help honor MSUM professor Regene “Reggie” Radniecki at the opening of her photographic exhibit, “Photos by Regene Radniecki.” A reception will be held today from 4-6:30 p.m., Flora Frick Hall, Room 254. The exhibit closes May 20. Radniecki is retiring after a long and colorful career in photojournalism. Her […]