CADT’s Spring Forward 2014

Thursday, April 24 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fox Recital Hall Cinema Arts and Digital Technologies is excited to hold its first biennial Spring Forward speakers panel. With a focus on the latest trends and ideas in the media arts, you’ll get the opportunity to hear first hand about professional conferences and topics in the fields of interactive multimedia, film and theater. We’ll […]

18th Annual Unity Conference, April 16-17

The 18th Annual Unity Conference “Our Historia: Latina/os Making History” will take place April 16-17 at the CMU. The conference begins Wednesday, April 16 at 7 p.m. with a keynote speech delivered by Dr. Jason Ruiz, University of Notre Dame, titled, “Americans in the Treasure House: What the History of Travel to Mexico Can Teach Us About Our Historia.”

MSUM students attend Arrowhead Model United Nations Conference

On April 3-6, a delegation of 18 students participated in the annual Arrowhead Model United Nations Conference, held this year at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls. Representing Nigeria, Kenya, Greece, and the Philippines, MSUM students excelled in committee discussions on a wide array of topics ranging from the crises in Ukraine and Syria, to economic and humanitarian aid, to […]

MSUM percussionists perform with 2014 Pulitzer Prize winning composer, John Luther Adams

This past weekend, 11 percussionists from the MSUM Percussion Studio traveled with Dr. Kenyon Williams to Duluth, Minn., to perform “Inuksuit,” an epic outdoor work composed by Alaskan composer John Luther Adams. While in Duluth, they attended a concert featuring works by Adams as well as a world-premier composition written for the occasion. After the recital, the students received the […]

“Economics in Action” at the Expanding Your Horizons Conference

MSUM students, Fanuel Asrat, Aba Boadu, Kofi Boadu, Cody Brandt, Jasmin Lam, Julie Maahs, Melhik Negatu, and Mira Nkulukadiele, and Economics faculty members, T. J. Hansen and Gregory Stutes, offered a workshop in conjunction with the Expanding Your Horizons Conference on April 12. The local Expanding Your Horizons Conference invites young women from Minnesota and North Dakota who are in […]