Annual Student Juried Exhibition opens March 30

March 30-April 16 | Center for the Arts Gallery (Room 155) Opening Reception: Thursday, April 9, 4 to 6 p.m. | Awards: 5 p.m. The School of Visual Arts invites the public to the annual Student Juried Exhibition in the Roland Dille Center for the Arts Gallery (CA 155).  The exhibit runs through April 16. Gallery Hours are Monday-Friday 9 […]

Power of Prose

Professor’s passion documented in writing BY DANIELLE REBEL Merrie Sue Holtan is more than a professor in the School of Communication and Journalism. She’s a freelance writer, experienced baton-twirler and avid volunteer. Her vibrant personality is central in all she does, especially when it comes to the art of storytelling. “I call myself a story catcher,” Holtan said. “It’s from […]

BFA Student Exhibition No. 2 reception this Thursday

The School of Visual Arts at Minnesota State University Moorhead invites the public to the reception for the Spring Bachelor of Fine Arts Student Exhibition No. 2 on Thursday, March 5 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Roland Dille Center for the Arts Gallery (CA 155). Artwork created by senior BFA candidates Chris Alveshere, Kassy Arntson, Sasha Bitzer, Alisha […]