President Anne finishes 2015 Boston Marathon

President Anne completed the Boson Marathon yesterday in a time of 4:38:30 seconds. In the WDAY news story  (transcribed below), she told Dom Izzo it was a grueling race but it was well worth it. After running the 26-mile course, Blackhurst hosted a reception last night with Boston area alumni. Despite poor weather, MSUM President Anne Blackurst says 2015 Boston […]

FM Autism Support Group, MSUM SLHS and CAMC worked together on “Faces of Autism” photo shoot

On Saturday, April 11, a new and wonderful collaboration was started on the MSUM campus between the FM Autism Support Group, the Speech Language Hearing Sciences (SLHS) department, and students and faculty from the College of Arts, Media & Communication (CAMC). Three MSUM campus faculty, Rachel Stotts, Meghan Duda and Don Clark, along with 7 photography students and 10 SLHS […]

Moorhead Magazine in your mailbox and online

The Spring issue of Moorhead Magazine was delivered to campus mailboxes last week and is also available to view online. This issue features stories from the Bakken—but not the same stories you read elsewhere. Read about how alumni artists are responding to North Dakota’s oil boom, and view the extended art gallery online; journalists report how the Bakken has impacted […]