Dragons in the News

Take a look at the news stories featuring MSUM in the last week. MSUM campus hosts community block party to kick of their homecoming, WDAY: “Moorhead is bursting with Dragon pride this week. Monday night, students, faculty and families rallied at a community block party for MSUM’s Homecoming.” Roers/Keller William put on annual Chili Feed to raise money for United […]

1066@950: Commemoration of the Battle of Hastings Oct. 14

Friday, Oct. 14 |4 to 6 p.m. | NDSU’s Barry Hall On October 14, 1066, William of Normandy overcame Harold of England to change the shape forever of English history and the English language. In a cooperative endeavor to acknowledge this significant historical moment, Concordia College, MSUM, and NDSU present on Friday, October 14, 2016, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., […]

MSUM Collaborative Student Exhibition at Plains Art Museum Oct. 13

In tandem with a series of month long events called “Printober” focused on printmaking at the Plains Art Museum, Corinne Teed’s intermediate printmaking class created a collaborative screenprint installation titled “Fragile Preservation: A Tallgrass Community” that will be installed in the museum’s sky bridge. The students developed a collaborative public work focused on ecology and threatened species in the tallgrass […]