Incentive program gives sandbagging credit

College students in Moorhead now have a little more incentive to bag sand. The city of Moorhead’s “Bags for Books” promotion will give students a $10 gift card to their school’s bookstore for every two hours that they bag sand. The offer applies to students of Minnesota State University Moorhead, Concordia College and Minnesota State Community and Technical College. Click headline for details.

Final Day for Bookstore Customer Appreciation

Please stop by the MSUM Bookstore December 10 between 8 am-6pm for our Customer Appreciation Days Celebration. There will be free gift wrapping, refreshments, prizes, and entertainment featuring Jim Gurney; William Weightman; Paul Daniely III, Nikko Raymo & Sarah Hysjulien; Musical Theatre Fargo Moorhead, featuring Craig Ellingson, Kathy Hanson and Angie Schulz; Kate Priebe; and Mike Lauer & Steph Douglas. Click headline for times.