Biosecurity Expert Michael Osterholm to speak at MSUM March 23

Author of Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs Michael Osterholm, an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, will present a free, public talk on “Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs,” Thursday, March 23 at 7 p.m. in MSUM’s Langseth Hall room […]

Pacific Northwest Ecology (BIOL 308) summer travel course

Are you interested in camping next to the ocean, exploring tide pools, hiking in a temperate rainforest and traversing an alpine meadow? This summer travel course allows students to study general ecological principles and regional natural history within the context of a variety of ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest, including coastal, alpine, freshwater stream, lake, and river, and temperate rainforest […]

Biology students present at MN meeting of The Wildlife Society

Fourteen students attended the MN chapter annual meeting of The Wildlife Society at Maplelag Resort in Calloway, Minn., Feb. 14-16. The students presented seven posters and networked with professionals in the wildlife and land management professions, as well as potential graduate school options. Other meeting events included a student-professional mixer, the society’s annual business meeting, and the Quiz Bowl, in […]

Biosciences Department Offering Neurobiology Course

For any students interested in neuroscience MSUM’s Biosciences department is offering a course in Neurobiology (BIOL 390 Topics in Biology: Neurobiology). The pre-requisite for the course is Genetics (BIOL 341). Any other interested students who have previously taken Physiological Psychology (PSY 345) and either Learning and Memory (PSY 342) or Cognition and Perception (PSY 348) are also encouraged to register […]