Wisenden, Stockrahm attend Wildlife Society, American Fisheries Society meeting

Brian Wisenden and Donna Stockrahm, Biosciences Department, attended the joint meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society in Reno, NV Sept. 29 – Oct. 4. Donna Stockrahm presented a poster entitled “Does a larger body size for painted turtles in Clay County, Minnesota increase chance of survival to following years?” The poster was co-authored by MSUM undergraduates […]

Dr. Kramar, students present research at GIS/LIS conference

Dr. David Kramar from the Department of Anthropology and Earth Sciences presented his research entitled “Estimation of Total Above-Ground Biomass at Two Sites Using High Resolution Imagery, Machine Learning, and Non-NIR Vegetation Indicies” and the 29th Annual Mn GIS/LIS Conference in St. Cloud, Minn. Four students from MSUM also attended the conference: Asami Minei, Yoko (George) Kosugi, Christine Lidenberg (Anthropology […]

Wallace, Bormann publish paper with NDSU colleagues

Dr. Paula Comeau, a recent Ph.D. recipient in Natural Resources Management and Policy from NDSU and adjunct instructor at MSUM, collaborated with Alison Wallace, Biosciences Dept., and Tony Bormann, CSHE Outreach Coordinator, in addition to Drs. Christina Harris and Jack Norland at NDSU to publish a study titled “Analysis of Children’s Drawings to Gain Insight into Plant Blindness.” This article […]

Wisenden published in Journal of Animal Ecology

Brian Wisenden, Biosciences Department, published a paper in the Journal of Animal Ecology entitled “Evidence of incipient alarm signalling in fish” (see https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1365-2656.13062). The editorial board of JAE invites “In Focus” articles such as this one to highlight a particularly impactful paper (Bairos-Novak et al. 2019). Wisenden was chosen to author the In Focus because his chapter on “The cue-signal […]

Drs. Wallace, Brisch publish article in The American Biology Teacher

Alison Wallace and Ellen Brisch, faculty from the Biosciences Department who teach the first- and second-semester introductory biology courses, participated in a study to introduce socio-scientific issues through writing activities to large lecture classes as a way to learn biological concepts involving cancer. Their collaborators are Dr. Meena Balgopol (who taught at MSUM 2008-2009) and Dr. Paul Laybourn, both currently […]