MSUM New Hires

Please join us in welcoming the following new employees to Minnesota State University Moorhead!  Make sure to stop by their departments to say hello and let them know it’s a GREAT day to be a Dragon! June 15, 2016 Christie Chappell – Head Soccer Coach/Instructor, Athletics June 20, 2016  Erika Traphagen – Adjunct, Educational Leadership  July 1, 2016 Julie Zaloudek – Dean […]

Nelson, Walthall Serve as ‘Celebrity Golfers’ During United Way Women’s Golf Scramble

MSUM head basketball coaches Karla Nelson and Chad Walthall will be serving as “Celebrity Golfers” during the afternoon round of today’s United Way Women’s Leadership Golf Scramble at Osgood Golf Course. Nelson will be at hole No. 2, and Walthall at hole No. 7. They will be doing “Donations for a Drive.” All donations made today will go toward United Way’s work to prepare children […]