Student Organization Officers and Advisors Need to Complete Registration Process

Student Organization Officers and Advisors, it is now time to complete the annual student organization registration process. Please go to, click on Student Organizations, and then Registration/Updates. This is a 3-step process. All organization officers (including the President) need to complete Step 1. All organization advisors need to complete Step 2. Please note that the Alcohol and Other Drug […]

University Physics Competition was top performing team from the U.S.

MSUM’s University Physics Competition team earned MSUM a bronze medal, and was the top preforming team from the U.S. for the problem they selected, notably defeating NDSU, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Upperclassmen Meredith McLinn, Pragalav Karki and Shouvik Bhattacharya modeled the effect an Earth-like planet’s mass has on its volcanic activity. To learn […]