Help spread the word for Giving Hearts Day

The heart of a Dragon is shown through our determination to help others and our desire to give. Can we count you in? On Thursday, Feb. 8—Giving Hearts Day—show your love for MSUM by giving toward student scholarships. Visit and donate to the MSUM Alumni Foundation. Let us know on Twitter and Facebook why you think giving to students […]

Finding Language

By Meghan Feir For every parent, each step in the development of his or her child is a monumental occasion. Their first time rolling over, crawling and walking. Their first smiles and giggles of joy. But surely one of the biggest milestones is when a child begins to speak their first words. Trisha (Nelson) Page ’10 (psychology) kept waiting for […]

Kristjansson-Nelson Screens at Slamdance

Professor Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson, School of Media Arts & Design, was named in the Official Selections of the 2018 Slamdance Film Festival. K-Nelson’s film Hús (House) was included in the highly competitive Documentary Shorts Competition. She represented her film at the screening on Sunday, Jan. 21. The film will play again on Wednesday, Jan. 24. Hús is a meditation on emigration […]

Physics Department seminar by alumnus Wyatt Davis

Friday, Jan. 19 | 3-3:50 p.m. | Hagen 325 Wyatt Davis, a 2016 MSUM graduate, is currently a graduate student in the Physics Department at NDSU. He will be giving a seminar Friday, Jan. 19 at 3 p.m. in Hagen Hall 325 on Macromolecular Crowding in Polymer-Nanoparticle Mixtures. “The structure and function of polymers in confined environments, e.g., biopolymers in […]

Join the Flag Corps and cheer on graduates

Thursday, Dec. 14, be a part of the Annual Alumni Flag Corps for commencement at 1 p.m. Join us as we wave flags and cheer on Dragons at the ceremony. Please show up 15 minutes prior to the ceremony so we can be prepared for the graduates as they walk by. This is a great way for you to see the […]