Reburn Named Director of Undergraduate Admissions

Tom Reburn has accepted the position of Director of Undergraduate Admissions with a start date of June 5. Doug Peters, the Interim Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs stated the primary goal of the search was two-fold: to hire someone with the skills and knowledge to do the work and equally important fit into the MSUM community […]

What’s happening in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing a few things happening on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide you with a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. Our admissions representatives will be out on the road this week. They will be headed to private school fairs in the Twin Cities and to local […]

What’s happening in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing a few things happening on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide you with a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. Our admissions reps will be visiting schools is the area and attending fairs in South Dakota. Admitted student day is Friday, April 21. Admitted student day […]

What’s happening in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing a few things happening on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide you with a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. We are excited to announce that we have hired our Dragon Ambassadors for the 2017-2018 school year. We look forward to having them join our Admissions […]

Director of Undergraduate Admissions open forums

MSUM will be hosting three candidates for the position of Director of Undergraduate Admissions the week of April 3-7. The campus community is invited to an open forum where each candidate will present a five minute relevant overview of their educational and professional background focusing on management and leadership experiences. The overview will be followed by a presentation regarding areas of […]