Applications for Sabbaticals

Links to the application information for 2012-2013 sabbaticals as well as the 2011-2012 Faculty Professional Development & Evaluation Process deadlines can be found on the Academic Affairs Reference page

Physics Seminar

Physics seminar Sept. 23 on “Lasting Media Based on Novel Vitreous Rare Earth Phosphates:  High Energy X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies” A physics seminar on “Lasting Media Based on Novel Vitreous Rare Earth Phosphates:  High Energy X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies” will be held Friday, Sept. 23 from 2:30 to 3:20 p.m. in Hagen Hall 325. […]

Bulletins are out

Each academic department has been provided with two copies of an abridged version of the 2011-2012 Bulletin that contains the curricula and course description sections. The unabridged 2011-2012 Bulletin is available online,  both as a complete “flip book” and broken down by sections in PDF format.  All sections, with the exception of the Administrators/Faculty, are bookmarked to aid in locating […]

Roland and Beth Dille Fund seeks grant proposals

The Dille Fund for Excellence Grant Awards annually seeks proposals from the campus community for innovative projects that raise the quality of education at MSU Moorhead. All members of the MSUM community are eligible to apply. Information about the grant program, application forms, and a list of past recipients is available at the Academic Affairs website.