Leadership program begins in September for nonprofits

Minnesota State University Moorhead, in partnership with United Way of Cass Clay and the Otto Bremer Foundation, will host a nine-month leadership program on “The Essentials of Nonprofit Administration” beginning Sept. 12. The class meets the second Wednesday of each month from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the MSUM campus.

Library New Faculty Orientation is September 4

Whether you are new to campus or just excited to learn what the library has to offer, please attend the Library New Faculty Orientation Sept. 4 at 4 p.m in LI0208. We will introduce you to some of the library faculty, highlight some of the resources the library has to offer (like our new Overdrive collection), and give an overview […]

Chang-Seong Hong presented at Dongguk University

Chang-Seong Hong, Philosophy, presented his Korean-language article “The Paradox of Enlightenment and Private Language Argument” at a June conference celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Institute for Buddhist Culture at Dongguk University in Seoul, Korea.  A revised version of the 12,000-word paper was accepted for publication in the Aug. 31 issue of Bulgyohakbo, a Korean-language journal of Buddhist studies.

Richard Adler will present at two upcoming events

Dr. Richard Adler, Speech/Language/Hearing Sciences, will present “Counseling for Voice Disorders” at the University of Minnesota Duluth on October 6. He will also attend and present at the Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health (CPATH) conference, September 21-23. Seven of his students are presenting their research as poster sessions at the ASHA convention in Atlanta, Ga., November 14-18.