Physics and Astronomy Seminar Series

The Physics and Astronomy Seminar Series presents: Projects and research in the MSUM Physics Department Have you ever wondered what physics and astronomy projects students and faculty here work on? Come to this seminar and find out! Friday, Sept. 7 3:00 -3:50 p.m. 325 Hagen Hall D. Jacobs: Designing, Constructing, and Testing an Electric Motor Powered Aircraft. The recreational aircraft […]

20K book award goes to MSUM professor

Anna Arnar, a professor in the Art & Design Department, recently received the Robert Motherwell Book Award for the best publication in the history and criticism of modernism in the arts, including the visual arts, literature, music and the performing arts. Nominations are made by publishers and the winner is chosen by a panel of distinguished scholars and writers. The […]

Pam McGee’s paper accepted as ATMAE Conference Proceeding Paper

Pam McGee, Technology, had a conference paper “Perceptions and Rankings of Technology Management Competencies” accepted after peer review as The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference Proceeding Paper. It was also ranked as the Top paper submitted in the Management Track and was submitted as Best Conference Proceeding Papers, which if selected would be awarded in November […]

Steve Hoffbeck contributes chapter to a book on baseball history

Steve Hoffbeck, History, contributed a chapter to a new book on baseball history entitled The National Pastime, 2012: Short But Wondrous Summers: Baseball in the North Star State, a June publication of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR). The book, available on and other online booksellers, tells the history of baseball in Minnesota from the 1870s to modern […]

Zhimin Guan participated in artist’s residency in China summer 2012

Zhimin Guan, a professor in the Art and Design Department at Minnesota State University Moorhead, participated in “Spark-Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational 2012.” He also joined the International Artist’s Residency in conjunction with an exhibition held in Xichang and Chendu, both in Sichuan province, China, in July.  The invitational art residency featured 35 artists from China and the United States. During […]