FPLC now Accepting Applications for Employee Professional Development Funds (Spring 2025)

Application deadline is February 27 at 5:00 PM. All employees are welcome to apply. Submit your proposal soon!

The FPLC Committee is here to help provide opportunities for your professional growth, development, and becoming more effective in your job. We are looking for applications from any employee (non-administration) who have any of the following proposals:

    A conference that you or a team wants to attend – we will consider the conference registration fee. Note: We will not fund any other travel expense.
    A webinar that you or a team wants to view and participate in – we will consider the webinar fee.
    A learning opportunity such as a short-course that you or a team wants to attend – we will consider the registration costs.
    Purchasing materials (books, etc.) that will help your professional learning or your team’s learning .
    Other proposals that meet University, program, or department goals.

The FPLC Committee may be open to other ideas. If you have questions, please contact your representative on the FPLC Committee or contact fplc@mnstate.edu.

Priority will be given to:

    Proposals that have the most benefit to the University in that they can be shared in some way with campus (a presentation, sharing materials, hosting a viewing party).
    Proposals that involve classified staff or non-faculty professionals (AFSCME, MAPE, MMA, MUSUAASF) as part of the team.
    Proposals that will result in revision of a program, a work process, a team manual, or other improvements to the work or learning environment.
    Proposals that include learning that you can share with your bargaining unit, department, college or other team.
    Proposals that align with the Strategic Priorities of the University: see https://www.mnstate.edu/about/strategic-priorities/

Not sure where to start. Here are a few sites to consider browsing for opportunities…

    Skillpath.com provides a broad catalog of options and formats on topics that include Leadership & Management, People Skills, and Business & Technology.
    Online Learning Consortium (OLC) provides a wealth of offerings related to digital teaching and learning in an ever evolving technology landscape. MN State is a member of OLC and qualifies for member pricing.
    Magna Publications provides higher education professional development related to teaching and leadership.
    Reach out to the stephen.beckermann@mnstate.edu if you would like to discuss your learning goals.

This proposal cycle is for learning opportunities that will occur before June 30, 2025. 

Due date for proposals:  February 27, 5:00 pm.   

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