950 unique students connected with employers this semester

Since August 2023, the Career Development Center has hosted over 85 employers through 60+ events including career fairs, classroom visits, mock interviews and more. These events have resulted in a total of 950 unique students engaging with employers this semester alone. Employer events allow students to develop their professional networks and provide an opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the workforce without ever having to leave campus.

The Career Development Center would like to thank the following faculty and staff for their partnership:

    Jon Bell-Clement, Biosciences
    Dr. Sumali Padney, Biosciences
    Dr. Heather North, Biosciences
    Dr. Anthony Ocana, Communication & Journalism
    Dr. Andrew Chen, Computer Science & Information Systems
    Dr. Oscar Flores-Ibarra, Economics, Law & Politics
    Dr. T.J. Hansen, Economics, Law & Politics
    Dr. Laura Fasick, English
    Dr. Sarah Milner, Health and Human Performance
    Dr. Wendy Short, Health and Human Performance
    Dr. Sarah Solhjem, Mathematics
    Hailey Wyum, Nursing & Healthcare Leadership
    Dr. Wooyang Kim, Paseka School of Business
    Dr. Hyun Sang An, Paseka School of Business
    Dr. Eduardo Pablo, Paseka School of Business
    Ralf Mehnert-Meland, J.D., Paseka School of Business
    Dr. Siwei Zhu, Paseka School of Business
    Kim Mollberg, Paseka School of Business
    Dr. Rachel Axness, Professional Management
    Jay Cournia, Professional Management
    John Green, Professional Management
    Dr. Chad Duncan, Psychology
    Dr. Michael Johnson, School of Performing Arts
    Dr. Dawnita Gallo, School of Teaching and Learning
    Linda Jaeger, Social Work
    Dr. Lee Vigilant, Sociology & Criminal Justice
    Becky Boyle Jones, Student Activities

Interested in learning how to connect your students to employers? Fill out this form.