School Psych grad students and faculty attend and present at state MSPA conference
Over 30 School Psychology graduate students and 2 faculty attended the MN School Psych Association MidWinter conference in Plymouth, MN on Jan 23-24. Seven students (Alea Al-Jahari, Adara Kamerainen, Lilianna Canella, Kierra Lodwick, Anna Bartels, Cassie Rostvet, and Megan Oliver) had poster presentations on topics ranging from early reading intervention to behavior and mental health supports for children and youth. Professor Joshua Johnson presented a session on AI in School Psychology. Dr. Lisa H Stewart, Prof Kecia Peters, and students Sara Godding, Alea Al-Juhari, and Anna Bartels had a session on anxiety interventions focusing on Coping Cat and C.A.T. interventions. Many students also volunteered at the conference. Conference presentations and attendance were supported through the federal Infuse Mental Health and MDE SchPsych Pipeline Grants.