Pilot Teacher Cadet Program is a success

Moorhead High School students were on campus last week as part of the Teacher Cadet Program. The primary goal of the Teacher Cadet Program is to encourage academically talented, high-achieving, high school students with exemplary interpersonal and leadership skills to consider teaching as a career. This partnership with Moorhead High is a collaborative effort to grow our own teachers for […]

Mental health professional scarcity spurs creative solutions

Nearly every county in Minnesota and North Dakota has shortages of school-based mental health professionals. To creatively provide a regional solution, MSUM recently received the Infuse Mental Health Project Grant, which financially supports students as they become school psychologists and school counselors. The grant focuses on mental health by expanding the diversity of schools with which MSUM can partner. Laura […]

Emerald Ash Borer has found its way to the MSUM campus

The Moorhead city forester has identified 13 trees around John Neumaier Hall that are infected with emerald ash borer and flagged those trees for removal.   The grounds crew has purchased the chemical and equipment needed to help prevent the spread of EAB. They will follow the action plan the City of Moorhead implemented to remove, replace or treat remaining […]