Dragon Pride Recognition: JoDee Haugrud

We recognize JoDee Haugrud for her 28 years of exceptional work in application and database development. Brandyn Sauer, who nominated JoDee for this award, says:

“Often, what she does is behind the scenes and many on campus likely have no idea the impact she has had on our campus over the years. I’ve worked with JoDee a handful of times over the years on different things.

This summer I worked with her, our system office folks and a few others in our IT department to find more efficient and modern ways to capture, move, tabulate and share data for some initiatives surrounding student success.

There were numerous roadblocks/hurdles JoDee had to overcome and it would have been easy to give up. She showed GRIT and continued to work towards answers until she had success. In this process she was not afraid to ask for help (humility) when these hurdles/problems came. Of course she did this because she believes in the work we do and has the desire for students to succeed (heart).

It is a joy and a privilege to work with JoDee. She is an inspiration and inspires me to be a better Dragon.”

Thank you, JoDee, for all that you do!

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